CRM software – the 21st century way to increase revenue

Everyone’s heard the saying “customer is king” – but how many businesses in an industry so dominated by mechanics and labour, such as the automobile repairs one, really take the time to focus on ensuring the best quality of customer service? At the same time, low customer satisfaction directly leads to low income. That is why the secret ingredient to running a modern, successful workshop with content clients and rising revenue is Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software.

What is CRM software? At its core, it comprises databases of all information available on all clients. This in turn allows businesses to tweak their practices in line with customer needs, increasing loyalty to the company through satisfaction. And loyal customers not only spend extra and more frequently – 86% of customers are willing to spend more for a better experience –, they also act as the best type of free marketing.

Companies can increase revenue in three ways. Firstly, by increasing the number of clients; secondly, by increasing the value of each purchase; and finally, by increasing the number of purchases. The first of these options is most common, but also most resource and time consuming – acquiring new customers can be up to 7 times as expensive as retaining old ones.
While finding new clientele is undoubtedly essential, effective CRM software can allow a business to focus more on the latter two, eventually feeding into a growing customer base thanks to the satisfaction of existing patrons.

With CRM software, upselling becomes much more easy, even in an industry where it can be tricky to convince clients to spend more than they absolutely need to. CRM software provides information on what product the customer already has, how long they have had this, and when they might need it again – using this, a business can approach the customer with an offer at exactly the right time, enhancing its success rate and avoiding unnecessary spamming. Increasing purchase frequency works similarly – thanks to CRM software, a business can make use of the customer contact details by maintaining regular communications, delivering relevant information systematically, at only the best times to sell.

CRM is crucial for the running of a lucrative company. With dedicated CRM software, the processes for maintaining excellent customer relationships can be managed simply and effectively, increasing marketing efficiency and therefore revenue.
The Trumpauto software allows workshops to do all this, while also enhancing labour efficiency and maintaining staff satisfaction within the business – more on that on our blog soon!
If you think your workshop could benefit from our CRM software, let us know at or by signing up for a free trial on our website!

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