The Four Biggest Cyberthreats and How to Avoid Them
Cybersecurity is an increasingly important topic in the world, which many people unfortunately fail to take seriously. The “it won’t happen to me” mentality is the main reason why people become victims of cyber attacks in both their personal and business lives. Last week, we held a webinar where our CEO Kenno Kink talked about the four biggest cybersecurity threats faced by people today, how to avoid them, and what we at Trumpauto have done to further protect our clients.
The first rule is that all of your devices, internet connections, and accounts should be equipped with strong and varying passwords. Think of a good password like the lock on your front door—if you wouldn’t leave your home accessible to anyone, don’t do that with your phone, computer, or Trumpauto account either. Besides passwords, the easiest way to protect your accounts is to use two-factor authentication. After inputting your password, you will use another device to confirm that it is in fact you logging in. In the Trumpauto software, all accounts have the possibility for two-factor authentication—it can even be toggled so that all accounts under a workshop must use it every time they log in.
The second big risk comes with the rights granted to user accounts. When creating accounts for your employees, always keep in mind the idea “as much as needed, as little as possible.” This means access to various settings and information should only be available to those members of the team who really need it. Not that you should suspect your team of bad intentions, but no unnecessary access can help avoid errors. Additionally, never forget to close the accounts of employees who have left the company!
Protection is the third aspect, without which the first two will be relatively useless, too. Anti-virus software may seem like another program taking up space on your computer, but in reality, it’s about as important to your device as a smoke detector to your home. Device and network firewalls stop the spread of viruses, both within a computer and between all devices connected to a network. Furthermore, besides protecting your computer and networks, it’s always a good idea to have a number of extra copies of your databases and information—if a virus does find its way into your device, at least you’ll have a backup of everything that was on it! In Trumpauto software, all of the information can be accessed through backups if anything goes wrong.
The fourth and final threat comes from unprotected networks. Using them can make your information easily accessible to anyone who knows the first thing about the IT world. For example, programming students often use open networks to try out their new skills and see what they can find in the wide cyber world. Even if they’re simply being nosy, it’s easy to imagine just how quickly someone could do the same with much more malicious intentions. That is why in your workshop, too, you should always use protected networks that have had the passwords changed and secured.
At Trumpauto, we have done everything in our power to minimise these and any other cybersecurity risks for our clients. More webinars and client events are coming this year, look out for information on our website or email for requests and ideas!